Tuesday 17 December 2013

'Minnie Mouse' deco phone case

I found some phone cases that fitted my phone for £1 each which was amazing, these were from Tesco. O bought all they had left which unfortunately was only two but I'm really please I got them. I have only done deco on one of the cases so far and this is it...
All the pieces used were bought from a local supplier here in the UK except for the black Minnie mouse silhouette. I made that out of polymer clay. I also used pink pearls which I bought from 'The Range' which is a UK store. I also used pink glitter and clear and pink crystals which I bought off ebay. I love how this case turned out and I can't wait to use my other case as well. If you have any ideas of what I can do on my other case then please leave it in a comment :).